This DIY guide explains how to pin and depin a Subaru connector. Some plugs can become brittle or terminals corroded, so replace any damaged parts while swapping out plugs.
If you're a visual learner, we have a video showing how to depin plugs.
This demonstrates how to wire a Subaru ECU Plug, but the process is similar for most plugs. The only main difference will be where the lock is located on your plug. If you would like to learn with diagrams and step-by-step pictures, please take a look below. Subaru ECU Plug, but the process is similar for most plugs. The only main difference will be where the lock is located on your plug.
How to Insert a Subaru Terminal
1. Before the pins can be inserted, the lock tab must be released to install the pin. To do this, use a small pick and lift the tab on the underside of the ECU plug, as shown in the diagram and picture below. The lock can be pulled out from the front of the plug for other plugs. Front-facing locks typically come all the way out, while the ECU lock tab will not come all the way out.
2. Install pins as shown below. Make sure to insert the terminals in the correct order. Each pin will slide into the housing once the lock tab is released. There will be a slight click once the terminal is locked. Test the seating by gently pulling on the wire. If it stays in the plug, you are good to go.
3. Once all the pins are installed, push the locking tab back into place.
How to Remove a Subaru Terminal

1. Use a small pick tool (like the one pictured below) to gently lift the locking tab on the terminal for it to slide out of the back of the housing. The tab is only lifted if the terminal comes out easily.