Plug Spotlight - 54 Pin Main Engine Plug

Plug Spotlight - 54 Pin Main Engine Plug

Apr 15, '21
In this blog we highlight the Main Engine Plug and Receptacle for newer Subaru chassis. 
Subaru Main Engine Plug Subaru Main Engine RecepetacleThe Subaru 54 Pin Main Engine Plug is the main connector between the engine of the car and the body of the car. We've finally been able to source these OEM plugs for anyone doing a DIY project or anyone looking to replace a broken plug.


Cars it Works On:
2005 to Current Legacy
2005 to Current H6 Engines
2007 to Current Impreza
2007 to Current Forester
All Tribeca


How to Know if You Have an Issue:

You can tell your main engine plug needs replacing if the housing is cracked or if there are broken or rusty terminals. You want an intact plug and clean terminals to ensure the plug stays locked and has a good connection.


Purchase our 54 Pin Subaru Main Engine Plug

Purchase our 54 Pin Subaru Main Engine Receptacle

