This DIY guide on Subaru wiring describes the basic breakdown of how to "read" a Subaru plug. The correct terminal order when pinning and depinning a Subaru connector is very important because the wires need to go into the correct slot on the connector for the wiring to be successful....
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What is DCCD?
What is DCCD? DCCD stands for Driver Controlled Center Differential. Explanations for this system are complex and tend to go about like this. If we put aside the highly technical specifics (and semantics), the core concept is that a DCCD-equipped transmission can adjust the power distribution between the front and rear wheels...
Subaru Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Part 2
Want to know the basics like what VSS means and the different VSS types? Check out our Part 1 Blog Post. If you are converting from an auto to manual, please click here. In this Part 2 blog post we will focus on what to do if you are...
Subaru Camshaft vs Crankshaft Plug
The camshaft and crankshaft connectors for non drive by wire engines (EX. 02-05 USDM WRX) are the some of the most common plugs on our website that customers have difficultly identifying, so we decided to do a quick breakdown to help. Location of Sensor: The crankshaft sensor is the one sitting...
Subaru Drive By Wire Pedal Types
It may seem scary, but doing a swap to a drive by wire (electronic throttle) engine is no big deal and there are a lot of additional features that open up as a byproduct a swap like this. We take care of the wiring so all you have...
Subaru Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Types Part 1
This will be a 2 part post, first is just the basics of VSS and the VSS types by year. Part 2 will have more detail about conversions and that can be found here. Prefer not to read - check out our video about Vehicle Speed Sensors below: ...
Subaru Drive By Wire vs Cable Throttle
One of the most common questions we receive at iWire is "Is my engine Drive by Wire or Cable Throttle," so we've decided to post the definitive list! This list is also useful if you are looking into an engine swap so you can confirm which setup...
Buying a JDM Engine? Here are the differences between the EJ20G, EJ20K, and EJ205.
If you are looking for information about the newer JDM Engines, 2001+ please check out this POST NOTE: As of January 2021 we are longer wiring Version 1 through 6 engine swaps. Customers have had problems not only getting the swap going but also keeping them running due to...